Homage to Nicole
(July 12, 1996, Nicole's Birthday)

Cadences rise and fall, billowing bright and full
Full cup
Punctuate Punctuate
Define the personality,
A beautiful personality, A soft
Then comes the stonger
The aggressor with his horns
With his drums and his song
Blankets it, even still
He's there, he's there
Moving and turning quickly
You can't catch him
He dances fast away from
The horns overtake the drums
Quivering I love to hear his voice
And there she walks
Dempa Dempa Dempa da dempa dempa da dempa
Kalenpa de lasa Kalempa rounding the intellectual
Path we find a reason for it, but it doesn't
Nullify the original cadence, the movement
On second thought, maybe it is that