Lauren and Pippa
(May 1993)

Today, Pippa, Cassius, Helen and I went down to the creek. It was instantly an unsuitable combination, in a sense, as far as any group unification is concerned, because Pippa and I have such a quick, witty response and understanding between one another that anyone not quick enough or abrasive enough or aggressive enough to push through us will be left by the wayside.

.... Pippa wants to be everything, she reminds me of my own scattered aspirations, and I know we both worry that the fame and posterity we know we both deserve won't ever materialize and we'll just die having produced no great works. Heaven found this my fear - to produce no great works.

My brain is a great fucking work! It's a lot of work! It deserves to be known worldwide. I AM a Personality! Just like Pippa La-Faye whispered so softly to me last night as she swayed softly in the hammock - "Lauren, I have always been famous. I will always be famous! I am absolutely, positively certain that my life's events are being chronicled and written down." Somehow, I think she's right. Maybe we are both already famous (in what respect I am not sure of - I guess I'll know in the next lifetime.) But what's happening now is that Pippa's and my daily persona's now are only half characters - our full fame is being carried out elsewhere, Vienna, or Paris, perhaps Morocco -- and only half of us is feeling them - knowing they're out there somewhere. But, at the moment, we can't fully participate in their exploits - we can't be swimming with the other big fish in the sea yet because we're not quite ready - we still have a little more karmic energy/fear to burn off. But they're waiting for us. And we'll join with them fully soon, in Paris or Vienna or Morocco, because we both know that's where we're supposed to be eventually. As Pip would say "Oh, Lauren . . . God, how beautiful it is. How beautiful life is . . . " And as I would say . . . "there are so many stones to throw out there, Pip . . so many stones to throw . . . "

(We're too good not to be world-wide enigmas.)