One year later
(April 21, 2003)

I think I've come along a lot since these last journal entries - I've gotten a whole jewerly line set up and poised to get going, I'm writing an album worth of music, I've been in therapy 1 year and on Chinese herbs - both of which have helped my stability and focus and confidence - I got married (planned a wedding) got together a great house that I'm proud of, am trying to get on w/Kayak/whitewater cos., have been for 4-5 months taking stock of what 'day job' could supplement my creative stuff and decided (maybe!) it could be freelance editing for outdoor pubs/enviro pubs., have taken an art-drawing class at a drawing studio and decided for now to put that on the back burner, have gotten an exercise/yoga program together, am volunteering as a writer/editor at the The Portland Alliance newspaper and have 2 clips so far (both music), have made some friends, did most grandparent interviews, and am getting along really well with Mark. Great year - being in our own house, married, stabilized - it's great for me and I've been very happy and more confident than ever this past year. . . .

To come - incorporating travel and work, recording album, getting jewerly line to production and sold, freelance editing for extra income, trip to India?, buying a house (after one more year?) getting more environmentally involved, going to travel/visit family 2X a year, decided once again that any office job isn't my way, connected w/ publications (addition of intellectual to creative life), learn to kayak/raft/surf - have excellent outdoor adventures and fun...