Lauren Elizabeth Orton
Poetry & Lyrics
Lady Fingers
Art Photos
Life Photos
Garden Updates

Welcome to Lauren's memorial website. Within the site you'll find extensive photo galleries, video footage, downloads of Lauren's music, her art and poetry, meditation garden updates, and a section devoted to "Ladyfingers" - Lauren's jewelry business. There is also a section for stories and memories of Lauren as well as an electronic guest-book that I encourage everyone to sign. The site is a work in progress - my hope is that it will grow as people send in any photos, stories, memories, or recordings they might want to share. In the future, I plan on making a book using all of these materials - essentially a hard copy of the site. For questions and comments regarding this site, send emails to

Thanks for visiting, Mark Orton

PS - Special thanks goes to Nicole Roskos for her help with the 'poetry & lyrics' section and to web developer James Churchill for all his hard work in designing this site.

Click here for Lauren's bio.

Click here to sign the guestbook